Shakao - Family Pack - 70 Servings (Online Only)
Shakao - Family Pack - 70 Servings (Online Only)
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Our best value option for Shakao lovers.
If you want a little more for the pantry, your next trip or just love your Shakao. We'll send you two of our 35 Serving Expedition Packs so you have Shakao when you need it.
For Shakao lovers, a weekend health retreat and almost of month of daily Shakao's for a couple or small family. This is it!
Jump on a subscription so you never run out!

Different to Anything you've tried
What is Shakao?
Shakao is a healthy blend of Organic cacao and spices which have been intentionally paired to maximise the nutritional value of our ingredients and highlight a beautiful, unique and soul enriching flavour.
We regularly hear: "It's different to anything I've tried before." and "It's hard to explain what it tastes like, but I love it!"
It's got hints of chocolate, hints of chai, it's warming and a little spicy; and your choice of milk/black/hot/cold/honey combination will highlight certain ingredients.
We have suggestions on how to make your first Shakao (that come with every package); but after that, tweak it to your taste! It also works well in healthy recipes, raw treats and smoothies.

Our Ingredients
Our homemade Shakao recipe started by sourcing the best Organic Spices, selecting ingredients based on their nutritional value, pairing them to maximise their absorption and then blending to taste.
We've tried, shared and tweaked hundreds of versions of our recipe with our friends around the campfire and on all those early adventure mornings before it finally became Shakao; the beautiful, balanced blend that you know and love today.
Ingredients (All Organic): Cacao, Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cloves, Nutmeg
See a detailed list of our ingredients and their health and nutritional benefits below.

Find the perfect ratio for you
How to make it
There's no right or wrong here, but we suggest making your first Shakao like this:
1. Stir two teaspoons of SHAKAO with a dash of hot water in your favourite mug to make a paste.
2. Add a dab of something sweet if you like. (A teaspoon of raw honey is our favourite and what we recommend for your first SHAKAO).
3. Add about 250ml of your milk of choice. Stir until mixed.
Milk Tips: Heat milk to 55-65°C (just before it’s too hot to touch). Or, Iced: add cold milk with a few ice cubes, stir and enjoy!
Once you've tried it, half the fun is discovering the perfect Shakao for you - black, white, hot, iced, dirty (with coffee), adding other cheeky bits, half strength or extra strong. Some of our friends make little raw treats, cakes and other bits too - it's up to you!
If you have created a new recipe or way (or where) to have your Shakao we'd love to hear about it! Flick us an email or get in touch via instagram.
It's what's inside that counts..
Organic Cacao
Used by the ancient Mayan's, and still used today in ceremony, Cacao is renown for providing a number of health benefits including improved blood flow and circulatory health. It's also high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic compounds such as theobromine and theophylline which can have positive effects on mood and depression by reducing stress levels and improving calmness, contentment and overall psychological well-being.
Organic Turmeric
Turmeric, and it's most active compound curcumin, are widely regarded as a potent anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant which can provide many scientifically proven health benefits. Anti-oxidants and a reduction in inflammation are known to assist in helping to maintain heart health as well as being reported as possibly reducing the likelihoodof Alzheimer's and cancer.
We've sourced a high grade turmeric powder with around twice the curcumin content of other turmeric powders. This means greater curcumin effect with more anti-inflammatory properties per serve! Shakao also contains black pepper which has been reported as increasing curcumin absorption by up to 2000%.
Organic Ginger
With a long history of use in traditional and alternative medicine ginger has been used to aid digestion, reduce nausea, and help fight the flu and common cold. According to research, gingerol (the main active compound) has strong inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Ginger is something we've taken on kayaking expeditions to reduce the likelihood and severity of nausea (sea sickness) on the day's we're totally smoked and need a little sea-sickness help!
Organic Cinnamon
Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and compounds that help manage blood sugars (insulin sensitivity), protect against heart disease, and reduce inflammation. It's also shown to have positive effects on neurodegenerative disease by inhibiting a particular protein (tau) in the brain. In animal studies it's been shown to lead to various improvements for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease but still needs more research for humans.
Organic Cayenne Pepper
Is widely used in traditional Ayurvedic and Eastern medicines, mostly for digestive and circulation problems. Studies show that it can relieve pain, boost circulation and metabolism and improve digestive health.
Alongside Cacao, these two ingredients have a high potency as circulatory stimulants which increase blood flow and blood vessel health; this means more blood flow to the brain, sexual organs, muscles, it feels good, and isless work for the heart!
Organic Black Pepper
Black pepper is high in piperine, an antioxidant that helps to lower the risk of chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and neurological conditions.
The main thing that we love about black pepper (besides the flavour) is that it has a positive effect on nutrient bioavailability. When you ingest black pepper, you increase the amount of nutrients absorbed into your bloodstream. This is especially true for ingredients like Turmeric where black pepper can increase curcumin absorption by up to 2000%!!
Organic Cloves
Cloves have been used in ancient traditional medicine, such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, to treat a wide range of ailments including toothaches, headaches, and indigestion.
Due to their antimicrobial properties they have a profound effect on oral health and also mask bad odors.
Cloves are also high in antioxidants and the two main active compounds found in cloves, eugenol and manganese, both play a role in formation of bone, bone density and strength.
Organic Cardamom
Cardamom has been used for thousands of years in ancient and Ayurvedic medicine. It's been used as a digestive, especially beneficial in reducing bloating and intestinal gas, give relief from stomach pain and in preventing vomiting and nausea.
Cardamom has antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has been used In some cultures to freshen the breath by eating entire cardamom pods after a meal. A study has found that cardamom extracts were effective in fighting five bacteria that can cause dental cavities.
Organic Nutmeg
Nutmeg contains powerful anti-inflammatory plant compounds that act as antioxidants. It's also a popular natural remedy to help reduce stress, induce sleep, and increase the duration of sleep. In Ayurvedic medicine a small pinch is normally taken in warm milk before bed.
Nutmeg, combined with the powerful circulatory enhancers of Cacao (theobromine) and Cayenne Pepper is a balanced combination of a calming, warming and empowering nutrients.
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Ask us Anything..
What does it taste like?
The truth is that it's probably unlike anything you've tasted.
Imagine you're having the best day of your life: it's the end of a big adventure or you've just spent a day watching your loved ones thrive. You've just put your feet up and need that little bit of something-something to cap it off.
[Enters Shakao].
You are greeted by a warming-yet-subtle blend of chocolate, cinnamon, and ginger who are closely followed by the sweet oriental whispers of cardamom, clove, and nutmeg.
While you smile in content and wonder how turmeric has managed to stay an unsung hero of your first sip, cayenne pepper reminds you that variety (and cayenne) is the spice of life. It's a surprise at first; an eyebrow comes to attention, the smile turns to a smirk and you take another sip.
A symphony. A grounding presence. The smile of content when you realise that you can have your cake and eat it too.
You've been introduced to a sunrise's best friend, the campfire's plus one, and the last thing on your lips before a kiss goodnight from who you love most. It's what you look forward to on your best days; and the friend you can count on your worst.
For us, it's the familiar smell of home when we're far away and a constant, grounding reminder to live fully, lovingly and intentionally.
What are the benefits?
In a nutshell. Each of our ingredients brings their own set of nutrients and unique history to the table.
Many of our ingredients have been used for centuries in cultures throughout the world for health, taste, ceremony/connection and currency as well as in Ayurvedic and natural medicine practices.
Our ingredients are still being used today in everyday cooking, natural medicine, and in some cultures for ceremony and connection to self, others and the world around us.
To see a breakdown of the history, and some Ayurvedic/natural medicine uses and research and observations from the modern day check out our Ingredients Information above.
How much caffeine?
There is approximately 19mg of caffeine per serving which is comparable to a piece of dark chocolate. By comparison, the average cup of coffee contains around 80-100mg of caffeine.
Many people enjoy Shakao at all times of day, and often report that it both:
a) Helps them feel sustainably energised without a crash (likely, due to circulatory stimulants like Cayenne Pepper and Theobromine in Cacao).
b) Helps them sleep which may be attributed to the magnesium content of cacao. Some also choose to leave a window of a few hours before bed as they sometimes feel alert after a Shakao. You'll have to see what works for you.
At the end of the day, this isn't a magical medicinal cure. It's just some good-tasting-healthy-goodness with the gift of some really good ingredients ;)
See what works for you. We love it at all hours!
Is there sugar in Shakao?
Nope. No added sugar so you can tweak it to your taste!
Some like it black, some with a dash of milk; sometimes hot, and sometimes on ice.
We personally recommend adding some milk and a dash of something sweet for your first Shakao - our favourite is raw honey! Check out our serving suggestions for your first Shakao on the back of our labels.
Should I have it 'hot' or 'iced'?
Whatever tickles your fancy!
We've shared it with friends who love it hot at all times of year and some who will o nly drink it cold. It really depends on your taste and preference.
A warm Shakao is warming! The warmth of the cayenne pepper, ginger and black pepper are enhanced with the heat, not to mention the circulatory stimulants of Theobromine (in Cacao) and cayenne pepper which all contribute!
You'll notice more of the earthy flavours of the turmeric and cinnamon, and a balanced blend of the 'chai' inspired flavours when it's warm. This is our preference for winter and cool nights by the campfire!
On a stinking hot day, iced is best! With a dab of honey, the chocolate notes of cacao stand out and bring a much more mild flavour. This is a great option for those who don't like it 'too spicy', but love a refreshing and healthy chocolate flavoured cuppa.
Where is Shakao made?
We make it right here in Bright VIC, our little mountain town in the Australian Alps!
Between adventures, time on the property and with mates we are mixing, stamping, packaging and shipping out Shakao from our little base here in the Alps.
We're grateful for our little community here, and it's not uncommon to see a few of us getting a day of mixing done before heading out for a paddle, climb, jiu-jitsu or cook up around the fire.
Say G'day if you see us around! Instagram: @shakao_cacao
What's the difference between Cacao and Cocoa?
Think of cacao as the raw, healthy older brother of cocoa. Both come from the same plant but cocoa goes through an extra process where it is heat treated and loses some of the nutritional value; cocoa is often milder in flavour and used alongside sugar in chocolates and confectionary.
We use an ethically sourced Organic Cacao from Peru which retains its nutritional value, traditional roots from the ancient South American culture, and incredible flavour profile.
Can you drink Shakao while pregnant?
Although we are big believers in "everything in moderation, including moderation", we always suggest seeing a professional when it comes to health and your personal circumstances during pregnancy.
Many of our ingredients are packed with supportive nutrients like: zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, flavonoids (to name a few) which are all beneficial for supporting a mother's adrenal and immune health during pregnancy.
Best to check in with a health professional. Also, congratulations! :)
Do you offer samples?
No. "But, what we do offer is a particular set of skills that makes us a nightmare for people like you, we will find you and we will........say g'day?". - Liam Neeson(-esque)
In all seriousness: We do occasionally send out little travel packs (which are a great sample size) to wholesale partners and give away bits n bobs where we can.
If you're after a little sample size to try out, check out our Travel Pack (7 servings) which will give you a few shots at making the perfect Shakao for your taste, and have a bit left over for a hot date, loved one or next adventure. You can also drop into one of our partnering stores or cafe's to try it out.(LINK THIS)
If you're looking for support for a trip, adventure, or have enquiry about working with us then flick us an email!
Do you have wholesale partners?
Yes, indeedy! You can check out a list here of cafe's and independent retailer's who stock or serve Shakao.LINK HERE
These partners are like family, so say g'day, from us!
If you're interested in working with us, send us an email or fill out the contact form!
Should I have my Shakao 'black' or with milk?
There's no right or wrong here; black, white, hot, iced, with or without something sweet, bulletproof (with organic grass fed butter) dirty (with coffee), in a cake, brownie, bliss ball, cocktail or shot it!
We suggest having your first Shakao with milk and a dash of something sweet (raw honey is our favourite). Check out the back label to a bag of Shakao for serving suggestions, blog for recipe ideas, or drop into a cafe that serves Shakao to have one made for you!
If you've got any new recipes, ideas, or things you've been experimenting with feel free to flick us an email or tag us on instagram (@shakao_cacao)!
There are so many new teas and drinks that come out that are quite honestly just don't sit right. They try to be too different from the main stuff on the market, but don't nail it and it just tastes strange.
Shakao is not one of these. It dares to be different but nails the balance of flavours. I'll admit - I'm a mate of Shakao's founder so I was hesitant to give my honest feedback - no one likes giving a fake compliment, or trying to give an honest but harsh opinion - but I honestly have been looking forward to every time I have a cup of this after work.
It's the perfect evening drink for someone that likes something with a bit of kick - if you're a lover of a spiced chai then this is definitely up your alley. Think of a dark chocolate milo, with a peppery/spicy kick. It's brilliant. I'm yet to take it on an adventure, but it would be the perfect late night drink at a cold campsite to keep you warm, or paired with a scoop of instant coffee in the morning.
Good stuff Shakao - love your work and well done.
I’ve been drinking Shakao for about a year now enjoying a cup 2-3 times a week. A friend told me about it and after trying it I haven’t stopped drinking. It’s a very spicy drink that really wakes up the senses. I love it! I do like a spoon of honey in it though which makes for a real treat.
I love Shakao for an afternoon pick me up, and avoiding a second cup of coffee. It’s so warming and energizing plus delicious! Also love it with coconut milk and ice on a hot day ❤️
Love shakoa. Have it every morning and have been feeling great ever since. Plus it tastes awesome.
Shakao has provided such a great intake in the morning ritual where it provides me with ongoing energy for the day and keeps my mind focused on the day ahead. Give it a go and enjoy it with some hot chocolate or Milo
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