Winter Warmer: Slow Cooked Yellow Curry

Winter Warmer: Slow Cooked Yellow Curry

Things are starting to cool down and we are coming into that time of year for winter warmers: food, drinks, fires, good company and all the other bits that warm us from the inside out.

Here’s a healthy slow cook recipe that’s quick to prep and easy to make. There’s a nice combination of warming spices (cayenne pepper, black pepper, and ginger), good fats (coconut cream, slow cooked meat), anti-inflammatory ingredients (turmeric, black pepper and fenugreek) and some wholesome spices that love a slow cook like (cinnamon, cardamom and cumin). You’ve probably noticed a number of these ingredients in Shakao which contributes to its warming attributes as well as the wholesome balance of flavours.


I’ll often slow cook once-a-week year round, and more often over the cooler months. This one is a little throw together recipe that’s been tweaked over the years, inspired by mum's Thai cooking! 

*Note for ingredients: substitute and swap out the meat as you fancy (the richness and flavours will change a little if you’re using different meats, or substituting if you’re vego). As always try to find the best quality ingredients, home grown, wild, organic etc. Enjoy!

Before we get into the recipe here's a 60 second snapshot from our insta! 


Slow Cooked Yellow Curry (serves 4-5)

Main Ingredients:

1 large brown onion thinly sliced

2-3 cloves of chopped garlic

1.2kgs Meat of choice (chicken thigh, beef chuck, venison etc) / Vego sub. Diced into 2-3cm cubes.

1 big heaped dessert spoon of Yellow curry paste (if using Ayam approx 1/2 of the 185g jars)

*If making curry paste from scratch ingredients include: cumin, coriander root, turmeric, fenugreek, garlic, salt, bay leaf, lemongrass, cayenne pepper, ginger, mace and cinnamon.

400g of coconut cream (you can use coconut milk as well)

5-6 medium potatoes (white flesh, your choice - brushed is good if in doubt). Diced into 2-3cm cubes.

1 small sweet potato (approx the size of one of the regular potatoes). Diced into 2-3cm cubes.

10-12 bruised cardamom pods

1 cinnamon quill

2 tbsp of sugar or something sweet (honey works)

1/4 cup  (+ splash) of fish sauce (70ml - just over a 1/4 of a cup)

Bit of cracked black pepper.

To Serve:

Steamed Rice


Chopped peanuts


Method - One Pot (You’ll need a big pot)

  1. On a high heat: In a bit of olive oil, ghee or butter. Lightly brown the onions then add garlic and curry paste. Give it a quick stir before adding the meat.
  2. Add the meat. The goal is to quickly seal/sear the meat so it’s cooked around the outside. (The onions etc will continue to brown as you are browning the meat using the one pot method).
  3. Add coconut cream/milk. Stir through. Add all other main ingredients.
  4. Turn the heat down to a simmer and chuck the lid on and forget about it for a few hours. (6-10hrs is ideal).
*Tweak to taste. Everyone has their own preference with how they like their curries, the main flavours to balance here are: salty and sweet (sugar and fish sauce).  If it's too far one way, add a little of the other ingredient. Make little adjustments, stir, and tweak if required.  To bring out more flavours for spice lovers, add chilli. Pepper is also a flavour enhancer.


    How long to Slow Cook

    From my experience 4hrs is a nice minimum time where your start to find the meat tenderising and the pot starting to develop its richness; the long your leave it the more the flavours develop and softer textures form. If you’ve got time 6 hrs, or 8-10 hours is epic! 

    Pressure Cooking

    If you're in a rush and don't mind pressure cooking, then you can pressure cook approx. 35mins approx. and simmer until your heart's content (simmering with the lid slightly a-jar will help reduce down the liquid and continue to develop the flavours)

    Tips for first time Slow Cookers

    *Note: Having ½ a cup of stock on hand, or a little water can be good if you’re finding it’s getting too dry, which can happen with some bench top slow cookers. If this is the case add mid way through, or just add a bit of stock the next time you make it before you walk away. Similarly, if it's too watery, keep the lid slightly open while it simmers to reduce it down.

    Pressure cookers tend to hold moisture and some slow cookers do a good job at retaining moisture so keep this in mind. There’s a fair bit of moisture that you will gain as the potatoes start to cook. This isn’t supposed to be a watery curry, it should be somewhere between: a little thicker than water and fairly thick!

    Serving Suggestions

    Serve with steamed rice. 

    Top with coriander, chopped peanuts, and a squeeze of lime/lemon to serve!
    And thinly sliced fresh chill for those that like a little more spice.


    For more useful tips, recipes and guides check out our other blog posts, social media and subscribe to our emails below!

    Hope you guys are well!


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